LS-600 बड़े दूरबीन बूम कंक्रीट लेजर स्क्रू
गतिशील लेजर के लाभ , विश्व स्तर पर सबसे अधिक बिक्री, स्थिर और विश्वसनीय गुणवत्ता, ग्राहकों द्वारा व्यापक रूप से प्रशंसा की जाती है। 1. High construction quality: The ground constructed by the Laser Screed machine average flatness can reach 2mm. 2. Fast construction speed: On average, 3000 square meters of ground pouring can be completed every day. 3. Reduce the amount of formwork support: the formwork consumption is only 38% of the traditional operation method. 4. High degree of automation and low labor intensity: reduce operators by 30% and reduce labor intensity at the same time. 5. High economic benefit: 30% lower cost per square meter than traditional process.
3। फॉर्मवर्क समर्थन की मात्रा को कम करें: फॉर्मवर्क की खपत पारंपरिक ऑपरेशन विधि का केवल 38% है। 4. High degree of automation and low labor intensity: reduce operators by 30% and reduce labor intensity at the same time. 5. High economic benefit: 30% lower cost per square meter than traditional process.